Car park muck

Another morning with the In bloom group. Well it was me and the commander (the postman's name for the woman in charge!) We went to a parish council car park that will be judged, to tidy it up . Unfortunately it was full of cars and will be all day even though it is a short stay car park. There are no signs so people don't realise. I was on picking up all the weeds, grass and muck from the edge by the kerb. These are the bags I filled with all the muck! As events were to happen at the church hall the car park got to be grid locked as cars kept coming in looking for spaces and double parking. (It's only for 10 cars so small) the morning of judging we will be there before 7 to cordon it off so the judges can park here, that won't go down well with the people who regularly park there. There is still work to do on the car park but I suggested we go back in an evening.
I went home and had my 2nd shower then went over to Kate and John's for lunch. It's lovely seeing Oscar he's really the little boy now and a true 2 year old!
Thank you for all the stars and lovely comments on yesterday's blip .

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