Baby Crow
I fell for this fella today - Kathy thought he might have to be PTS yesterday as he has a deformed leg but he is managing quite well so it looks like he might make it. He sussed me out for a soft touch right away and so got fed every time I walked past him. Feeding involves literally shoving your finger down his gullet and then listening to the appreciative nom nom noises - no table manners at all.
See also the extra from a Hitchcock movie (sorry a bit blurry due to me having at least 6 of its siblings perched on various parts of me at the time). They're a family of 10 jackdaws, very feisty they are too. As soon as the door was open they flew out and landed all over us, not averse to a bit of pecking either. Then they proceeded to hide themselves in any nook and cranny they could find to avoid capture. They will all be just fine out there in the world.
It's fledgling central at the rescue centre - if you find a fledgling wait to see if its parents come back for it - 9 out of 10 times they will and the bird will be absolutely fine. If it is injured, or if you find a nestling, keep it warm, don't try to feed it or give it water, get it to your nearest rescue as soon as you can.
Back to work this afternoon - I'd rather be feeding baby birds!
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