Out On Tuesday

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

Work has been a bit nuts lately, and will stay so for the next couple of weeks at least. 

I don't really mind. My favourite part of my job is talking to people and that's what I'm doing right now. Answering questions, giving training and generally being cheeky with people I don't know.

But it does leave me a bit frazzled at times. Today I decided to clear my head by going around the little Wellington museum. I'd visited before, but only had time for the ground floor.

It's a weird sort of museum though. I'm not sure how the curators are deciding how to curate things. It seems like most of their displays should be headed "OLD STUFF!" because they seem to have simply bunged a whole bunch of random things together. A Maori club here, a 1950's chair there, an Edison wax cylinder player in a case behind them, and the whole collection under the baleful glare of a stuffed lion from the 1920's. 

I found it hard to find reason or rhyme behind it. 

Today's blip is of a display from an LGBTQ venue which probably precedes the acronym. I liked it because it seemed more vibrant and alive than most of the exhibits. I could imagine it being put together over time, a patchworked recollection of a series of celebrations. It was squished in alongside an old street-lamp and a huge railway clock. 

"RANDOM OLD STUFF!" I'm sure it makes sense to someone.


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