horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

The New Girls

As ever, the arrival of new chooks gets documented here. We'd been planning on getting two new girls even before we lost Arya before going on holiday; with her sad demise we're left with just Skye and Freya, and given Skye is over 8 years old, we don't want any risk of one of the old girls being left on their own (Freya is only 2...).

No names yet, pondering a few, but the white is a White Star, with fantastic frizzy feathers, and she should be quite a small (though apparently feisty) chook, that should also be one of the most prolific egg layers around; while the reddish-orange chook is a Goldilocks, who has a wonderful black-feathered tail, and black flecks and barring in various places.

The old girls had a good wander around the little run on the grass initially, before going off for a wander. They're a little unsettled, and we had to put a light-passing tarp to screen off the new arrivals being seen from the old run, after Skye started to have a bit of a squawk. The new girls, for their part, are very unsure of everything that is brand new - they've lived in a barn so far. So the grass, and the sky, and the cat (oh, they don't like the cat), and just everything has them wide-eyed and a bit skittish.

As I write this we've been talking names. Possibly Amber and Pearl....

Edit: Scratch that, we've arrived at Scarlet and Lexie

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