Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The US/Canadian Border

This is how the straits of Georgia in the Salish Sea looked from the ferry today.   I over heard some people talking about how pure the Canadian blue water looked and how murky the US water looked at the border.    HA…not really.  it got me thinking ..because the 50 minute ferry from Galiano Island to the mainland below Vancouver  (Tsawwassen at the end of hwy 17)) does cross over some of US waters.   The border between the 2 countries is the 49th parallel which happens to cross a bit of the US (Point Roberts) in a very odd way.   (to drive there one has to go into Canada and then out.)   So I’ve put the google map to show the border in the water and approximately where we were ( red dot)
But that really doesn’t explain the color of the sea, does it.?  the lighter more turquoise water is coming out of the Fraser river  (arrow)  with glacial silt (fine particles of rock or clay ground by glaciers which are carried away by the river)It’s quite an amazing sight for such a long way….

I tried to put it bigger on the blip map feature but it did not work... I’ve had trouble with it before. sorry

Lots of traffic getting back to the city.  Need a day or so to adjust.  

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