I Made It!

Well, it wasn't easy, but I made it without incident.  It appears I've traded 66 degrees in Bellingham for 96 in Utah so that's been a shock to my system for sure. 

I'm making this trip because I hope to move to Utah so I can be a permanent volunteer at Best Friends. ( Rather than try to explain what Best Friends is and what they do there, I hope anyone curious will check them out at BestFriends.org.)

Today I was able to visit Puppy Pre-School where a whole enthusiastic gaggle of puppies was turned loose for we visitors to pet and interact with.   We were in the pre-school room which is filled with interesting objects for the puppies to "meet".  They're periodically introduced to things like vacuum cleaners, wheelchairs, people with crutches, city noises, etc., to help them adapt to new homes when they're adopted.  I put a couple pictures in Extras of them being petted and one of the puppies -- and, yes, I would have brought him home if I could, but I have no doubt he'll find a forever home very soon.  

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