
By TBay


Today Mrs V and I headed for Cabot Circus in Bristol to find an outfit for Ascot which is next Thursday. As only ladies can do , we spent all day in our quest to find an outfit. Along the way we encountered these shoes. They were quite nice but the price tag of over £800 pounds they can keep them!! We did eventually find a dress which will be one of the two outfits required this year as Mrs V is going on two days this year.

My feet were quite sore by the time we returned home!

Yesterday the farming went according to plan with no breakdowns!! Hoorah! Just routine jobs and compost hauling. Despite the weather forecast we didn’t get any rain at all so hope fully we will be off again next week .

Father’s Day tomorrow so Mrs V and will be papering Mr Tbay and Mr Tbay Jnr too.

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