All things me

By KatiePie

This was going to be a dinner blip,

but dinner wasn't very photogenic.

Busy day!
Dropped the kids off, painted the dining room, drove to Bath for my first yoga class - eek!
Came home, walked the dog, went to school, got yeeeellllllled at by Littlest One, made their tea, hung the washing out, hung the pictures back up in the dining room, tidied up the morning's mess,emptied and loaded the dishwasher, made our dinner..
It's kind of felt seamless. Not in a good way.
Am on the sofa with the dog on my lap, a film on the box and wine that I wasn't meant to be drinking in my glass.
And relax.
Or not.
Little One just appeared wanting a drink because their bedtime water bottles are still in the dishwasher. She'll be impossible to get out of bed for judo tomorrow.
Right. Lets try again ;0)
And relax..

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