Just like the Titanic ...

Saturday 16th June 2018 - Walking Day

... the band played on. 

After all this glorious, dry weather and with another sunny heatwave forecast for next week, we have been watching the forecast for today with bated breath. Our annual Walking Day, and rain was predicted! 

There were a few showers this morning, nothing to worry about too much and we were pleased that the temperature was cooler. By 2pm the church was packed with approximately 800 people, mainly children, for the short service to mark the start. At 2.15pm there were a few drops of rain but nothing too much to worry about and we decided to go for it. It takes about 20 minutes to get everyone out of church and into the procession. Just as the procession started so did the rain and five minutes later it was pouring and we were soaked. By the time we reached the first end of the village it had stopped and everyone had taken it in their stride. 

About turn and back through the village, but facing this way we could see the black clouds approaching. After the half way point the decision was taken to cut the walk short and use a different turning point. As the front of the procession reached the turn the heavens opened and it was as though a huge tank of water had been tipped up on us, that wasn't raindrops it was a continuous surge!!! Some of the children screamed, but there was nowhere for us to take cover. The band marched on and continued to play, I expected a fountain to be blown out of the tuba! I do wish they had played "Singing in the rain"!

As we turned and made our way back we discovered that the second half of the procession had quit before the turn and gone separate ways to take cover. The rain had stopped again by the time we reached the hall for tea. Someone had to peel my jacket off me and my shirt was soaked through, like everyone else. We left plenty of puddles on the hall floor. 

When tea was finished and we left the hall the sun was out and the sky was clear and blue. It is now a glorious evening! Unfortunately it seems we received all the rain in the one hour we needed it to be dry. Everyone who has been going years has said they haven't had one as wet as that, except the three (in over 150 years) that had to be cancelled.  

Viewing large shows how wet the band is.

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