Village Day

Village Day is the event of the year in Bookham. All generations get involved, from the youngest to the oldest. For the children, the parade through the village is the big excitement. The procession is led by a little yellow car which is closely followed by a traditional walking jazz band. You can see the horn. The children follow, in their school groups. The theme of Village Day this year was "flight" and there were many children dressed as flying insects. Most ingenious was a group of children walking within a cardboard square carrying a bunch of balloons aloft. They were a hot air balloon!
The long procession made its way to the grounds of The Barn Hall where there were stalls run by the various village organisations. My WI is called Eastwick so our theme was, inevitably, "Witches of Eastwick". Cakes for sale as always, but also little knitted, witches, cats and bats for the children to spend their pennies on. (See extra) Remarkably the newest WI in the village, formed just two months ago, had put up a stall with a bee theme. The rain held off and it wasn't too hot. A successful day

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