Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Dun Laoghaire Pier

and such a sky during my walk.

It’s Bloomsday today (James Joyce Day) and the good people of south county Dublin go mad dressing up - ladies in long flowery dresses, big hats and parasols and men in straw boaters and stripey jackets

So I went down to Glasthule/Sandycove which is the hub of it all, and it was fun

I am not a JJ fan - but hey I can eat fried lambs kidneys with the best of them

Extra (if I remember to add it, ha,) is of a lady who had a little stall where you could have a photo taken with a JJ cut out and donations only for a rabbit sanctuary. It was all great craic. There were readings from Ulesseys (sp?), music, general messing about, eating and drinking.

But on a higher note, my grand daughter is coming from Galway this afternoon to stay the weekend with me. That means spaghetti (she and I love italian food), The Lion King, Mars bars ice creams, pancakes, swimming with no arm bands, talking Irish, asking questions about everything and generally chillin’

She makes my heart warm and happy

(Isn’t that sky just fab)


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