The Santa shed

I probably shouldn't be poking about here but then again why not. It's a shed on a property soon to be redeveloped. The new dwelling will ultimately block my light and sun so I may as well make the most of what's on offer.

I'm sure we had a card board Santa just like the one here when I was growing up.

I took my car rather than bike to work today. What a performance. I haven't done it for ages and had to stop and think about which route I should take. Major road works here, major infrastructure project over there. And everyone else is thinking like you, trying to avoid the snarl-ups. Then you discover another detour/road reduced to one lane or a guy holding a stop/go sign.

All in the interests of the fur child who is running low on cat meat. Kilograms of frozen meat and a route designed to kill cyclists rule the bike out and car in.

But it's done now and after a run the stress and frustration of driving has seeped out :-)

Just the 'inviting' task of chopping 4kg of half frozen cat meat into free flow chunks. Otherwise I might be tempted to make the most of the evening and head out for a fish.

Yes, there are rivers with trout close to Christchurch. I think a little spot of fishing sounds like a mid-week plan for tomorrow evening :-)

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