Plus ça change...

By SooB

Wrong, wrong, wrong

When randomly slinging a dinner together, particularly after my current busy Wednesdays, I usually work on the presumption that if you put lots of good things together, nothing can go wrong.

Well I'm wrong.

It can.

Pasta, feta cheese and avocado are all lovely in their own right. Together, not so much. Not even with extra pepper. (I should say that feta and avocado work very well in a salad - particularly with the addition of bacon or fried peaches. Honest.)

Today was also a big day for journeys in our car. Since we bought it we've despaired that it has no socket to plug an iPod in for music on long journeys (its manufacture pre-dating iPods by about a decade). Today, clearing the boot out, I remembered that there's a CD player hidden behind a panel. So I took the radical approach of putting CDs in it. And what do you know? It works just fine. In fact, if you don't do any sharp turns to the left (which makes it jump) it works really rather well. And so, on today's many journeys to and from clubs, we found out that Conor rather likes Bruce Springstein. Most of my CDs are still in Scotland (after all, with iTunes everywhere in the house, why would I need them?) so I am stuck with the few that crept into the box of DVDs we brought with us. Still, Bruce ain't so bad. (Though I have to confess to nearly triggering the speed camera down the road for the first time ever during a particularly loud rendition of Born to Run.)

Later there was some frantic brain-searching and prep for teaching kids their numbers in English tomorrow.

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