More Breakfast!
Some of my favorite things are found in this blip! Frequent visitors will be able to pick out both of them.
Hint - the less-obvious one is breakfast food.
This weekend's breakfast was corned beef and potatoes and eggs from the favorite McBob's, made into a sandwich with homemade bread. There's a scone that came with the McBobs, and there's some awesome baked oatmeal (With raisins, cranberries, walnuts, chocolate chips and banannas. It's like baked trail mix!) out of focus in the front. Homemade pumpkin-spice lattes and orange juice to drink.
Great, now I've made myself hungry. At any rate, it was a great start of a relaxing day!
In case you're wondering what my girl saw through her lens, here's the alternate view. Also at that link is the recipe for the baked oatmeal.
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