Police Incident

Mind was racing through the nigh tso just got up and took Juno for a walk. No one was about at all, the frost hid the fact it was quite mild. Juno and I strolled aimlessly. Out of character Juno went for a dog, probably reflecting my mood.

Back home and upto the stables with eco daughter, I was digging manure for the chickens so that they can scratch around for worms. Eco daughter rode well.

Something happened in the glen, police cars racing around, fire engines and ambulances, still to find out what it was.

Cleaned out the hens and spread the manure.

Back upto the stables to help dose the heb sheep and give them the injections. They are so easy to handle compared to the fatter cheviots I have worked with before.

I felt crap and went to bed early, I was chilled and could not get warm.

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