Thimbleberry Flower
The thimbleberry bushes grow wild in the forest and along the trails where I wander.....they even show up in my garden in unexpected places. I suppose the birds eat the berries and deposit the seeds in their natural ways wherever they go. I was just reading about them on the internet and found out that the Thimbleberry can also have pink or yellow flowers; I think I have been misidentifying the pink flowers as a wild rose. I learn something new every day. The leaves are quite large, strong and super they have been nicknamed Natures Toilet Paper. The berries are very sweet but extremely little so seldom picked for a berry pie! I have never tasted one because I wasn't sure they were eatable; now I will definitely give one a try.
My granddaughter just called me, she said her new job was awesome; she loved her co-workers and said her boss/trainer was so nice. I am so happy for her. Send some good thought about her and her baby....prayers for her in this new life of responsibility and hopefulness. Thanks. I am thankful for the possibilities of happiness for this granddaughter.
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