Let There Be Light

It was kind of wild  out there.
The weathermen on BBC radio were saying that Ireland is having strong winds that might bring down trees.
I hadn't realised that I lived in Ireland - I passed at least 3 down today and I know Lady Findhorn saw one in town.
I spent ages trying to get a shot showing the trees swaying violently, but they just looked out of focus because there was no stable reference point - so I went for a moving bush instead ……...and "artisticlly" moved the trees myself.
Trying to get the wildflowers blowing about was a failure too - the light levels were too high and I didn't have my really dark filter with me to cut down the light.

There was another painted rock out and about but this time it was without a message on it.
I am glad to report that the council have had the 'contractors' out to the Japanese Knotweed. I didn't take a picture because the leaves have already dropped off and the stems are very boring. 

I picked up the cone this morning because I liked the colours and the fish scale effect

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