Park Life

Daughter Number 1 called me at work and asked to see me. We someone's work in the same building. She had just had her first negative encounter with a family that brought some of her anxiety flooding back and she wasn't able to control the tears. Luckily I had another colleague with me so I was able to leave what I was doing and offer her some support and a mummy cuddle. She's questioning of she's really cut out to be a social worker. Of course she is. But there will always be people you can't help or get on with. But it still broke my heart a bit thay someone could do that to my Baby when all she wants to do is help and make a difference in a young person's life.

Later on she messaged to say she was able to co-work with that family and was feeling better, just exhausting.

Maybe she should come back to what I'm doing where I get to spend time in the park and the worst that could happen is a child having a melt down and tries to pull out all the lavendar!! Harder than you think when you are 5!

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