French Landscape Painting

By the time we finished our early walk, the lovely fog had lifted and the temps climbed into the 80s by the afternoon. It's the kind of weather that makes me very very drowsy. And, although I keep waiting for the endorphin thing to kick in from the 10,000 steps obsession, mostly I just feel worn out and whiney at the end of the day. 

I started a new drawing class yesterday, Nature Journaling--improving our skills while learning about the environment. The emphasis is very different from the looseness I've been trying to practice: now it's close observation, measuring, detail and more detail. It was fascinating to study a nasturtium flower for an hour; although I've photographed them many times, I had no idea of their complicated structure. So we'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to next week's session at the tide pools. lf nothing else, I'll learn how to consolidate my materials for being on location.

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