Learning new things...

My daughter having troubles in her tummy due the antibiotics that she got. So she did a big job finding help for the situation and also in receiving medical certificate for the employer for the rest of the week. 

In Finland it is always possible to have first aid and temperate medical help from your current location public medical stations, but the medical system still prefer that you should use servises of your own living area. As my daughter is a student and she lives in Helsinki but currently is ill in Tampere and needed help and medical certificate for her summer job, the soup was ready... There was few phonecalls to make in the morning. She was denied to use medical system for students in location, as she also needed the certificate for a summerjob, it should not be mentioned at all, she should have spoken only about problems with antibiotics. 

Afterall she made it fine though, I am proud of her. The best result was as we visited into pharmacy and she finally had a good advice and could keep the antibiotics on  - and it seems to help her too. 

I still have sore throat ans sound like Darth Vader's mom. Took a nap in the afternoon. 

Windy day, +19c or something. Sunny and lovely. 
The blip is from our backyard again. I have tried to learn new things from the booklet that I recently bought. I liked the shot very much. Hope you do too. The original in the extra :)


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