
A manic day!!! In and out of town twice. Mostly successful so should be pleased but I’m exhausted as it was such a warm day. I saw this car at a garden centre, my last port of call of the day.

I emptied the ‘lodgers’ out of the pot in yesterday’s blip. I now have 6 baby hebe plants, about a dozen violets and a few viola, plus dozens of bulbs. No idea what the bulbs are!!!

I did the work in the potting shed and as I was almost finished it started to rain. It was torrential and we had a couple of rumbles of thunder. B came out with a large umbrella to give me cover to get back into the house. It is only a few yards but I would have been absolutely drenched.

One need to worry about watering plants :0)

Ps the league paperwork is in the post.....sighs of relief....:0)

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