Super Saturday!

Busy and lovely day en famille today.

Cricket for C and rock painting at the library followed that this am followed by a mass exit to Buck Farm Park to introduce my parents to the delights of our new fave day out!

They loved the deer safari especially as we had our own private tractor ride along with another couple. We saw so many deer!

Lots of bouncing, sliding and climbing as usual and I was v impressed with my Dad’s stamina getting on the go carts and racing Charlie and I round the track - good work Dad, hope I’m half as fit at his age! Love him.

Back home and a quick turnaround before T & I were released for our night out to the Bombay Sapphire distillery for a tour and cocktails - we had a great time and learnt loads about making gin. Interesting to hear they distil it all in Hampshire but it all gets bottles in the famous blue bottles in Glasgow! We even got to try some neat gin before it is distilled down - 80% or so, v hot.

Back home to check all was quiet and then out for a curry together - what a total treat!!

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