Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

The Head Shake

This is Saturday's blip.  Grand Lake, just down the road, had its annual craft fair this weekend so Becky, Piper, her dad and I spent a few hours browsing, having lunch and eating ice cream.  Even Piper had a small bowl of vanilla.  We had a good time but it was really hot in the sun so we promised Piper that she could have a swim when we got back to camp.  She was so happy to just lie down in the shallow water and cool off for a while.  Her dad started throwing rocks in the water and then she had a good time swimming out to try to catch the splashes.  Piper doesn't fetch.  She's such a smart dog but she just can't seem to get the idea.  We lost a lot of tennis balls before we gave up.  She loves to chase them but then she just leaves them there and swims back.  So, rocks are perfect because it's really the splashes she likes.  I got lots of swimming shots but this was my favorite.

I am grateful that Piper is such a good dog!  

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