
An evening walk at Emsworth.  Warm (19 degrees), calm and peaceful.  The sea was slowly creeping its way up the shore.  A few birds were scattered along the water's edge, taking a feed before darkness.  

We met numerous kind people and friendly dogs who stopped to make a fuss of Merlin - all good for him at this age as it is important he gets to meet lots of different people and doggie friends.  At Emsworth Merlin also gets to see birds in the water and overhead - waders, swans and ducks tonight, and to watch people swimming in the sea and bringing in their boats.  He is fascinated by it all and often stops dead in his tracks to stand and stare and ponder what he is seeing. 

Otherwise, a day of a peaceful morning dog walk with Andy, some relaxing (catching up on sleep!) this afternoon and chatting with our neighbours.  One of them was kind enough to give us some hazel and hornbeam hedging so Andy is now outside planting it (in the gloaming!) to bolster the hedge that runs outside the house.

Another glorious weekend has passed.  Wishing you all a peaceful evening and week ahead.

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