
When Gordon gave me a voucher for a Quirky Workshop at Greystoke, he fully expected me to choose a textile-based one. I have been there a couple of times in the past for such a workshop. I remember going with a friend a few years ago to learn Rag Rug making - great fun. However, as I perused the list, one workshop jumped out at me, I booked it and that's where I have been today.

I learnt how to make cheese.

Artisan Cheese Making with a delightful, and very knowledgeable, lady  - Rachael Shreeve. What a great day it has been, despite it raining just as we were sitting out in the gardens eating a delicious lunch. We were undercover, but still managed to get wet. 

The rain did nothing to dampen the day. We learnt all about how cheese is made. We made some soft cheese and brought it home with us. We made Paneer, cooked it with various vegetables, and ate it as part of our lunch. We watched as Rachael demonstrated how hard cheeses are pressed. And heaps more. There were seven of us and we all got on really well - it was great fun. 

And they treat you so well at Quirky Workshops - part of the Cycle Café Tea Garden, in Greystoke. 

Gordon decided to take time out from marking and acted as chauffeur, so he could go hillwalking. He also got wet, but it did not bother him either. This evening we have thunder again . . . and rain. It is still so hot though. 

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