Summer lunch

We had English strawberries at lunchtime today. They are quite the best tasting strawberries. Normous puts sugar on his, but I think they are tastier without. We had lunch outside again today, such a treat.
I settled down after lunch to do some sewing and disaster, my sewing machine was "dead". No life in it at all. I checked the plug and the fuses and could find no reason. I shall have to find a sewing machine repair shop. Meanwhile I feel strangely bereft! I don't use it as much as I used to, but I can't imagine being without it. Many years ago when my first baby was just four months old we were posted to Venezuela. I remember that the first thing that I said when Normous told me we were going was "will I be able to take my sewing machine?" I did take it, and it was a godsend, keeping me occupied making clothes for Anna and me. So long ago.

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