How Long?

If I'd been asked I would have said 3 hours - turns out it was 5 hours on the allotment again! I honestly don't know how the time goes so quickly! However I finished digging the bed and now my Russian and Curly Kale are in, with a border of Zinnias! I also planted my 3 varieties of sunflowers - I'm not sure they will come to much as they should have been planted on a lot earlier - plus the slugs are rather partial to them! Colourful Mai arrived and I was able to point out the new place the hens are now laying - not behind the docks anymore, they are laying amongst the Teasles! I hope they don't decide to lay under the blackberry as no way could I retrieve the dense thicket! It would be a shame to have to cut it down as I feed the hens the blackberries from it!  The blip is of the sign Colourful Mai  gave me for my birthday - isn't it great! I gave her the last few of my kale plants - there is only so much kale a girl can eat!
As I was leaving the allotments I spotted Garage Man  so did a swift right turn. Friend always used him but this is the first time I have - my car was new so I was signed up for checks with the garage I bought it from and have continued as it was situated just short walk from the school I worked at.  I explained the problem and he said he would have a look for me. He even ran me home! A few hours later he rang to say he was coming to pick me up as he had finished! He had taken off the panel - I had looked but could see no way of doing that! He wasn't able to fix the problem which he believes is electrical - but he had done a Heath Robinson! Tied a piece of string to the latch which when pulled released it! Ideal! Plus he only charged a fiver - enough for a drink he said - so I gave him a tenner and told him to have two!
So a trip to Plymouth at some point to get it sorted but not yet! Though I do have to go in on Monday for a Bone Density scan. But luckily Vegan Jo said she'd come with me - she's just got back from a week away and was asking  when she could come round. I explained tues but she offered to come with me and then take me somewhere for a delayed birthday treat! Some days are just fortuitous! 

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