Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Swallow My Pride

Evening all,

Back at work today, and back to a plethora of voice messages and text messages to sort out before i really got my teeth into stuff, and a fairly pointless conversation with the switchboard who moaned for what seemed like forever about me not answering my long range pager despite the fact i handed it back to them five years ago!

Then a late night trip to do a couple of visits in Barnsley, where the crushing failure of doofus to find the house i was looking for, was only matched by the crushing realisation that the text in my A-Z seemed to have mysteriously shrunk making it too difficult to read in the obviously sub standard courtesy lights in the car, even if i held it arm's length.

Surely it can't be anything to do with a failing in my eyesight, can it?

Anyway, as the extended bonfire night weekend seems to be winding down i thought i'd offer my contribution in the form of a mechanised light trail...or two, so bright, even i can see them!

night all


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