All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Blackburn Gala Day

Hubbie was on a night out in Stirling last night. He phoned late to say he was staying at a pals house but assured me he’d be on the first train in the morning so would be home in time for me to go to parkrun. He wasn’t!!

I was running at Falkirk parkrun with 2 friends. Ethan didn’t want to run plus had to be in Blackburn for 10.30am as he was walking in the parade with his football team. Fortunately one call to Foreveryoung later and she had agreed I could drop Ethan at her house on my way to Falkirk and she would take him to Blackburn for me.

It was my first time at Falkirk parkrun. Apart from a killer hill, it’s a lovely course. And despite having been awake since 2.30am I scraped a sub 30.

I then took over from Foreveryoung in Blackburn so she could get Eden off to gymnastics. I kept Lucas with me and he loved watching the parade. Took both boys to the Gala day shows afterwards. Lucas was in fits of laughter watching the wrestling while Ethan had great fun on the rides with his footie pals.

In the meantime, Hubbie was back home having a nice relaxing day ...!

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