Mr John

By MrJohn

Pete .....

..... taking circuit training.

Monday seems to roll around quickly each week and Monday evenings mean circuit training. This week I decided to take a quick photo of Pete who was taking the training session tonight. Pete's sessions are always amongst the toughest and tonight was no exeption. Usually we do 30 seconds of each of the 9 excercises with running in between each, followed by 20 seconds and then 10 seconds of each excercise, but tonight Pete made it tougher by making us do 30 seconds of each excercise for the first two sets ( when your legs feel like they're about to collapse that extra 90 seconds feels like forever ).

In the background there is Bradley from last monday's blip and Will, both of them are really fast strong runners ( they both make it look far too easy ). This photo is a bit out of focus as Pete dosn't keep still whilst hes shouting 'encouragment' at us all whist timing our running around the gym and as an added Movember bonus for this blip, Pete has a moustache.

Talking of Movember, my face fuzz is coming along nicely as is the spot on my chin caused by not shaving and tomorrow I am going to trim it in to a stylish tash.

Thanks to Pete for allowing me to take his photo tonight and for all the 'encouragment' he gives us. I'll be aching everywhere tomorrow, so today's blip is .....

..... Pete taking circuit training.

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