20 years ago today...............

20 years ago today, my very lovely owner, Ann's mother passed away. How can 20 years have gone so quickly? So today's Blip is a collage of me at Porthminster Beach this afternoon and a photo of a photo of Ann's parents when they visited St Ives in the mid 1950s. (Hope this is allowed, lovely 'Fab Four' at Blip Central???)

I bet when Ann's parents visited St Ives from the North East of England, they never, ever, thought that they would end up with a daughter that lived here with a gorgeous little collie like me. Haven't a clue why they decided to come to St Ives. It was, after all, a long, long, way from Newcastle. But Ann vaguely remembers someone telling her that they stayed in the YHA. Was there ever a YHA in St Ives? Is it where the 'Backpackers Hostel' is now?

Obviously the photos in our collage are very bad quality because they're photos of photos. And obviously I never, ever met Ann's mum (or dad, who died 4 years later), but I know they would have liked me. ….............Because I am such a gorgeous little collie.

OK; so Ann thought she would do a bit of a tribute to her mum in today's Blip................. but actually, does anyone care? Life goes on, stuff happens, and can anyone predict the destiny of how long we are actually going to live for? Ann's mum died when she was only 65 years old. Both of Ann's grandmothers lived until they were 92 years old.

…................And the moral of the story is........................... Life is not a dress rehearsal. Live your life, live your dream, laugh every moment, love every day

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