James and Moneypenny

Top secret mission, View to a Kill, For Your Eyes Only, following up a lead to these peregrine chicks tho' I think now are more like teenagers being nearly ready to flee be pushed out of the nest. I am calling them James and Moneypenny. Nothing subtle about my approach but you knew that anyway :) 

I was given the destination but made a hideous mistake of going firstly in the wrong direction and up a slope that was worthy of Hillary and Tenzing and I'd been to the gym this morning! A few hours later grabbing my bottle of water in the car decision was made to go in opposite direction but my shoulders hurt so much that I took everything off (well not absolutely everything but would if I could have :/) and changed gear. Smaller everything. 

Big mistake - huge. However you have here 2 delightful peregrine chicks at a distance. They are sitting on a rock ledge on a cliff face coming from a nest that really looked to have had it, and there was a pecking order. Dropped by an obviously loving parent with a Licence to Kill there was a pigeon - (I've done this myself from the supermarket but not a pigeon :)) ...) a ready to eat takeaway (Live and Let Die) and after sleeping one chick made it his own. James on the right really had the upper hand in that nest.

 I think both look great and maybe tomorrow they will finally fledge tho' not doing a Chris Packham and Lolo Williams with a sweepstake on the time here. Just as I left the less fed chick, Moneypenny flew over to her parents in a tree over the water. However Tomorrow Never Dies and I might be there to witness the Skyfall of both fledglings.

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