Crail Food Festival

Good fun. In the extra - The owner of the famous Janneta's Ice Cream shop in St Andrews joined forces with a Scottish coffee roaster to produce a (drumroll) coffee ice cream before our very eyes. She did wax lyrical about this amazing coffee sourced from two brother in laws in Peru. 20 minutes blah blah about how great it was, then it was a chance to sample. Quite honestly it was ghastly. The ice cream however was very nice (in the photo you can see an unseemly rush of pensioners to get their hands on a generously proportioned freebee.

Other than that an agreeable morning  sampling gins, ciders, seafood, cheeses etc etc. Weather was gorgeous. Not a huge festival but a nice relaxed atmosphere. Lunch with brother and bidey in (strictly speaking I suppose he is the bidey in) - a ridiculously thick and delish seafood chowder was consumed.

Good times.

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