
By Merchistoun

Night out

Honestly? I don't like Farringdon. At all. It's dirty, smelly and everything is constantly being dug up. But we did have a lovely night tonight, and Farringdon is where we started.

First of all, we had a look in Cubana. Then we turned round and came straight out as it was completely dead and uninviting.

Next door was Grand Union. Much more inviting (we had a very interesting chat with the friendly staff) and enjoyed a pre-dinner gin-based cocktail (or two).

Then off to St. John, for dinner with a very meaty menu. Kate went for lambs brains starter then lamb's sweetbreads with bacon; I had roast bone marrow then braised rabbit. Kate's rating: 7/10. I'd probably say 6 - it's a bit full of itself and the rabbit was not nearly as good as our local pub's version. Quite frankly, the toilets could have been much better - so let's drop that score a 5... considering they might get up to 15 hours of (admittedly minimum wage) cleaning for the price charged for the meal.

Afterwards we headed towards home, taking this photo: the sunset making the Smithfield buildings look so much better than I'd normally see. We detoured along Fleet Street (calling in at The Punch pub, named after the publication) which seemed a nice place and worth a visit. Actually, there were several (very old) little pubs that we stuck our heads into, making mental notes for future visits.

Back to Waterloo, we were lucky with a fast train home. Marvellous.

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