pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

porque no nacimos donde no hay que comer

Just got off the phone to my mum who lives in Spain, where I am from.

There are currently over 5 million unemployed people in Spain. Nearly half of those 5 million are people aged 25 and under. Spain also has the highest rate of unemployment amongst young people in the world. Whenever I go back home, the widespread feeling of frustration hits you in the face like a wave or something. The effect it will have on the country and more importantly, the spirit of its people, is yet to be seen but I predict it won't be pretty.

The blip is of a slogan I once saw at a demonstration. It's a play on words on young people being prepared/young people's prior state to being unemployed.

Young people are the future of the world and its societies, but when these societies don't seem to care about their young people, what future is there?

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