
By Hamp5on

Ice cream reflections

What a day! So many good things...
- A Skype with a good and trusted friend.
- An hilarious workout with Asha - she really put me through my paces!! Lots of laughter.
- A text from Frederico to say the ice cream I really wanted to try was in his ice cream shop today! Cherry, honeycomb and rosemary.
- Ice cream!!
- The 4 of us squashed into a photo booth to get a family pic (though Asha got fed up with being squeezed!).
- Three friends from Sa Penya coming over to pray together...one of whom had never prayed out loud before!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Mike skyping.
2) Laughing with Asha.
3) This amazing evening... friendships going deeper with the Roma.

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