By Bella888

Abstract Thursday: Sand Castles

I am sitting in a lovely café in Ashley Cross on way back from getting results of husband’s recent procedure. Thanks heavens all looks good. That wait to hear really tests one’s nerves.

He’s gone to tennis (what’s new). So I’ve stopped off for a cinnamon bun and flat white. My blip looks like biscuits, but it’s actually a chopped about & collaged photo of a sand castle on the beach.

Bus shortly back into town and the ever diminishing shops (our House of Fraser is one of 200 announced for the chop today - never go in there anyway. Debs and Beales will be next). If I were a multi-billionaire I’d buy up the centre and bring it to life, to include a Tate Modern.

Still enjoying new good wishes for my 300 blip birthday. Thanks again, so lovely of you all to take an interest.

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