
With eyes the size of saucers
And whiskers all a quiver
He sits, he waits, he watches
For birdies to come hither.

He sits just like a statue
A sphinx or some such thing
His patience knows no bound'ries
As they come close to him.

He hides here from their peering eyes
Stirs not whisker, ear nor hair
His patience not rewarded
For they know that he is there.

Nikau and I played with an old tennis ball I found in the garden, he's done a bit of stalking and now he's back in for a while. It's a hard life being a cat! Fortunately, he hasn't got even close to the birds that so fascinate him!

I'm at home today with a sore throat. I just want to get rid of it. I've got a short day, with one class tomorrow, so I'll probably go in for that. Then a three-day weekend - with a puppy in the middle of it!

Getting close now.


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