Puerto Rico

Well we finally came out of dry dock on Friday, and I'm pretty happy about it. We worked like dogs, with 12 hour days through the week, and a 18 hour day at the beginning and a 19 hour day on the last day. I'm not used to the hard graft, and even now, 4 days later, I don't think I've fully recovered. On the plus side, I did learn a lot, and I now know how to set up a Casino from basically nothing. Although thats not what we did exactly, the principles and procedures were basically the same. I learned how to rewire and set up slot machines from a coin system to a coinless system, and now going through all the teething problems that come along with it, now we went live with it. It was worth it in the end when we finally sailed on Friday afternoon, and realised all the hard work was worth it.

Time to relax now and enjoy the sun again.

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