No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

PD is away home - his owners collected him last night after getting back from holiday, so no more dog walking for a week.
So a long lie was in order.
SWMBO was unwell and was up at 6.30am ………… so that was me up!
She went back to bed but that was me awake and up.
I checked on her at 11am and she dragged herself out of bed to be able to get along for our 'free lunch' at the AGM for The Larder Cookery School.
This is the place we go with The Cygnet on a Friday when Squirrel is at gymnastics. It is a charity which takes kids with disabilities of all kinds and puts them through courses in hospitality and helps them find jobs.
As 'regulars' we were invited along and as we really like the ethos of the charity wanted to find out more.
We were able to find out more about the charity, the way they work, the kids (who did a sterling job of cooking for and serving 80) speak to Directors and partners and also witness the awards that they were giving out to several of the kids for special achievements.
The 'No such thing as a free lunch' bit kicks in on Friday when we go for our usual stop off and I will be able to speak to them about the donation I will be giving and how to ensure they can get the Gift Aid to go with it.

SWMBO went back to bed after we got  home, I did a bit of turning and then went over to Bags' to help her fit new radiators …….. her hubby nearly had a disaster yesterday, threw the dummy out of the pram and refused to carry on saying he was going to get a plumber in.
Bags being Bags had been researching on-line and knew that wasn't nessessary and was prepared to do it ……. with the help of her Da of course (who has never changed a radiator in his life).
Despite a couple of hic-ups (Mounting brackets being different sizes and styles being the worst) we got 2 of the 3 done without breaking anything and without flooding the place.
The last one will get done tomorrow ……… that is the one the son-in-law made a foxes paw of and may require a bit of system draining, pipe cutting and joint replacing (worst case scenario) ……….or it may go just fine since there is lots of free play in the pipework.

Watch this space...……………….  

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