Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Not fireworks...

With the richest fragrances of Autumn thrown into the brittle air upon each turn of my wheels, the soft earth masking my lonely progress. My breath folding in front of my face as I drifted through arches and avenues all bedecked in golden glory, while the trees threw amber and red offerings upon the dampened ground.

The sky so blue with Winters cold hue had me smiling and through each burst of light as I ventured from shade to open ground made me squint. Here, in the delicate fingers of early Winter, rests such beauty, colour and texture that no other season manages to perform. As I break upon another vivid open space with low sunlight making fire of all the leaves who dare to still hang from skeletal branches, warmth comes so quickly.....and is gone again in bold recklessness.

In the solitude of these most sacred lanes...a firework display, a riot of colour, in sweet silence plays out its purpose. In strictest contrast tonight....we humans will make gods of ourselves and set fire to the sky, a humble display in comparison to natures year round effort.

Here's to our night...sparklers and hot dogs, bangs and whooshes, Ooooh's and Ahhh's!

Have fun everyone!

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