The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Natural High

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

This morning I caught up with The Explorer for the first time in ages. She regaled me with tales of her girls only weekend in Palma.

On one of the nights, they were receiving some unwanted attention from some guys, one of whom came out with the killer line…

‘Do you fancy coming back to my apartment to do some coke?’

The Explorer was quite taken aback. It has often been a source of amusement that every time we go in holiday with her and Boots, he is always offered drugs at some point. No matter where we go. Every time. He must look like a ‘bad boy’.

She very politely declined...

‘Are you offering me drugs? Wow, I NEVER get offered drugs. No thank you. I don’t need coke to have a good time’

And then just to make her herself clear…

‘Or c0ck’

Message delivered loud and clear!


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