
Joe Smooth - Promised Land

Some things just happen with a bizarre juxtaposition to something else unrelated. It results in a meaning that is ultimately relevant. Although everything is irrelevant and unnecessary, somehow people will bring to mind a set of values to any image that is presently in front of them, whether some kind of blissful epiphany or a vortex of deepless negativity.

The invidiual snowflake, the knowing glances between strangers, or even Mother Teresa on a piece of toast, things have a way of reiterating its meaning. An immeasurable cycle of ebbs and flows, the beginning and end connecting to another. This meaningless entry will again be given credence in another's or thought of again in a mind's whisper of the past.

Honestly, I have no idea what I'm talking about, nor its point. Blegh, blegh, blegh. Hehehe, not to worry, it'll be forgotten. :P

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