Calton Hill

The excitement in the Dower House today is palpable.

His Lordship has invested in a new computer- A Mac book Pro and is a-tremble with anticipation of a new faster approach to the Internet.
He has suffered far too long with wee wheels turning so slowly on his old I-Book that he could safely snooze while things got under way.

We fell into the iconic scenario so often seen in low tech computer shops, where the wife asks all the salient questions while the husband stands behind her looking a touch bewildered. He didn't realise that my eyes can glaze over when discussing RAM, internal core processors and hard drive memory, although seemingly able to ask questions that make me appear to know what I'm talking about.

However it was bewildered who paid and lugged the computer home, but his wife who set it up after a fashion, although unfortunately not quite managing the Blue Tooth transfer of documents from the old machine. She/I will have to work on that later.

And so it stands on his desk in all its new shiny glory with an invisible link to The Cloud, wherein do Apple souls reside, a sort of heaven for computer brains.

I have left them alone for the moment so that they can bond- man and machine- an earthly pairing.

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