
By Mindseye

Stalking in the long grass

Hectic day today!

Been over to see my sis, she is still waiting for her scan, and suffering badly!  Hopefully it will be soon now :-(

We went out for lunch, waited over half an hour for two sandwiches, which were dry and pretty disappointing when they did come! 

Went back to hers, so we could take Kobi out. I wanted to practice my panning technique, which was part of my final homework for nightschool this evening.  I was pants!!! Kobi is so fast at full pelt......I used shutter priority and edged up from 1\10 to 1\30 and still couldn't get a clear focus point on him.....I was aiming for his head, got plenty of blurrrrrr! 
Definitely need more practice! 

This shot was just one of a couple of normal ones I took whilst he wasn't charging around like a loon!  We did take water for him and he was in the shade a lot of the time.....and it hasn't been as warm today as of late, still lovely though 

Once I was back home a quick go through my images pre class,then a dash to the school...........we all said our farewells as its unlikely we will see each other again, then back home. Have just grabbed something to eat, now uploading my blip.......then I am going to chill and watch the second episode of Master Photography . 

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