30 Days Wild - 4 - Ulmus

This morning we needed to go to Carlisle to visit a wholesaler for supplies for the holiday lodge. Just as we were leaving I spotted a dealer of something I would really like to buy. More of that later!!!

Next it was time to stop somewhere for a late lunch and grab a free cup of coffee from the garden centre. Then time for walkies! Let's get out there for day 4 of 30 Days Wild.

We chose to walk along the river Caldew from Dalston. It was there we saw the elm, Ulmus (or it may be Wych Elm, Ulmus glabra, the Scot's elm).Whichever elm, it was good to see as 75% of the British Elms were wiped out by Dutch Elm Disease in the late 60s and 70s.

After our evening meal we got the motorhome, which The Man had borrowed for the weekend, tidied up and returned to The Bro-in-Law. 

BTW, can anyone identify the creature in Extras? It was about 8" long and like a thread of cotton wriggling in shallow water.

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