Lots of walking today as I have been down to the village 3 times. First was before noon to post a letter and then do some shopping. Once I got home I nipped out into the back lane to cut back some of the plants and bushes which were getting overgrown and making my short cut to the village a bit difficult. Then I watched a bit of TV before heading out again to Fitness Class which starts at 2pm. Then home again to do some household chores. As its bin day tomorrow I changed the cat litter in the litter trays. A couple of parcels had been delivered while I was out - and put into my garage - so I unpacked them.
After having a shower I was off out again to Slimming Club which has a 5.30pm start. Good news on the scales - I lost a whopping 4½ pounds. That takes me within my target range again. Need to lose another 2 pounds to get bang on my target weight. Not sure I will do it by next week but I will get them off soon I hope. Lots of members stayed for the " Image Therapy " talk. And we had another 5 new members join this week. Our group seems to be thriving.
The Mono Monday theme today is " Baked ". So here is a packet of baked snacks. Obviously baked snacks have fewer calories than fried ones. This packet of Maple Barbecue flavour Kettle Bites are 95 calories or 4½ syns. And they're very nice. Thanks to laurie54 for hosting.
Steps today - 18,129
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