
By TBay

Out in the yard.

I started off my day with a trip to the shops as I once again had nothing in the fridge or cupboards come to that. As Mrs Tbay Jnr is away I will be mostly catering for Mr Tbay Jnr as well. I stocked up on sandwich making goodies which I really didn’t have much of yesterday when he announced at 10:30pm he needed sandwiches for the morning. The choices were cheese, cheese or let me think, oh yes cheese!

It’s VAT and bills time folks. My favourite occupation! I have made a good start on the bills and will beginning the VAT tomorrow. Mr Tbay has been busy catching up on mowing the jungle that has developed over the past week and still tying to sort out the insurance on Mr Tbay Jnrs truck. Grrrr.

Farming - Just in case you wondered if we had a breakdown free day, you would be wrong! We nearly made it. I took teas out for the boys who have been baling and hauling bales. This was at 7pm. Confidently I said to Rusty. Wow a breakage free day. Agrhhhhh. Got home and 1 hr later Mr Tbay Jnr is back with a hydraulic pipe gone on the loader. Can you believe it. The Mr Tbays currently out in Workshop trying to replace it.
So two on compost plus baling and hauling today. Let’s hope it will be a breakdown free day tomorrow. That would be nice......

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