Sunday: on the Orkneys

Accessing Wi-fi in recent days has been difficult, will back blip once we find a good spot.

From Kirkwall a drive towards Brough of Birsay (Norse for fortress island) coming across seals and eider and shelduck with young. Later once the tide was right a walk across the causeway onto the island with a David Stevenson light house, built 1925.
Wild flowers covered the hillsides, blues and yellows with an occasional orchid. On the far side are cliffs made up of sedimentary rock where we watched fulmars, guillemots, razorbills, several puffin, a great skua, gannets, rock doves, starlings and when looking out to sea three dolphins. It was worth waiting for a low tide.

Grey day, camped at Birsay outdoor centre, £19.60 per night. Very quiet. Warden.

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