Hearts and Flowers

The usual Friday starting and finishing on the allotment with the ladies! Henrietta has gone broody which has prompted Izzy to do the same! Izzy is the one who sits on the eggs though! She is higher up the pecking order than Henrietta! 
I stopped on the way to take the daisies growing in the wall, and then popped into the younger cemetery as it was a mass of bigger type daisies! I noticed this stone heart on someone's grave - I wonder what the story behind them is - did she collect them, did she love the sea, do her family collect them on their walks and take them to her in remembrance? I will have to go back again in the future and see if the number of stones has grown. When processing these photos I was struck how there appeared to be a heart on the wall too. 
I've been meaning to visit Party Girl for a number of weeks - not seen her since my collapse in August. Seeing her would be another step in my recovery. Today was the day! I nearly didn't go as my stomach was squarely as I needed food, it was nearly 1 o'clock by now! However I knew I would not make it to her in the eve before the hens so forced myself. 
It was lovely to see her! She has a new kitchen but otherwise nothing else had changed! She was pleased to see me and said again she thought I should have taken drugs, they had helped her mum!  I told her she, Vegan Jo and France dweller had all suggested the same! I only considered them for one day on  one particularly bad week.  Whilst they may have calmed me I doubt they would have resolved all the things that led to this state, plus I was scared of the possible side effects! My way feels right in retrospect - I love being right! 

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